St. Louis Public Radio: Bipartisan Group Wants to Prevent Missouri Lawmakers From Changing Ballot Measure Approval

A bipartisan group called the Respect Voters Coalition is launching a campaign to prevent Missouri lawmakers from changing the way state ballot measures are approved.

“Anything that allows politicians to interfere with the will of the people is something that we oppose vociferously,” said Benjamin Singer, CEO of Show Me Integrity.

The initiative petition process, which lets citizens gather signatures to vote on amendments to the state constitution, has allowed multiple progressive policies to become law despite the Republican supermajority in the state legislature. That includes voters approving legalizing marijuana in 2022 and overturning Missouri’s total abortion ban last year.

Republicans in government have made multiple attempts in recent years to raise the approval percentage needed for a proposed constitutional amendment to pass. Currently, only a simple majority is required.

“When I travel the country, and we operate in red states, and blue states and purple states, there’s something I’ve learned,” said Eric Bronner, founder of Veterans for All Voters. “Whatever party is in power in any given state, they will oppose reforms to the system that got them elected, and they will do whatever they can to dilute the power of voters.”

The coalition plans to hold a series of town halls across the state to gather citizen input on a proposed constitutional amendment that would prohibit politicians from changing the initiative petition process.

Former Sen. Bob Johnson, R-Lee’s Summit, was among those who advocated for the proposed amendment at a press conference Monday announcing the campaign.

“(Former) Gov. (John) Ashcroft said that it’s through the initiative petition process that those who have little influence with elected representatives may take their cause directly to the people,” Johnson said. “I agreed with it in the '80s, I agree with it today.”

You can read this article on STLPR’s website here.


Jefferson City News Tribune: Coalition Launching Initiative Petition Town Hall Series


KY 3: ‘Enough is Enough’ Missouri Voters Form Bipartisan Group to Quash Republican Initiative Petition Changes